Cindy Sherman

2014-07-18-CS6 CS24

Cindy Sherman is an American Photographer, she was born on the 19th of January 1954 in New Jersey.

Picture of Cindy Sherman’s Work

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My Photographs Inspired by Cindy Sherman’s Work

Picture 3_3 Experiment

How is this inspired by Cindy Sherman?

Some of Cindy Sherman’s work can be colourful and some of her work is very cinematic. I am pleased with my first self portrait because it is vibrant and the colours portray my personality. Also, it is weirdly pleasing to look at, the patterns are strange but fascinating, I think this picture is a good interpretation of Cindy Sherman’s work. The clown makeup was done very well by Maria and me, I am very pleased with the concept that I had come up with. I am happy with my second self portrait because it is unusual and different, it is inspired by Cindy Sherman’s clown photography. Also, the contrast used on myself (the model clown) makes the picture more captivating. As a result of interpreting Cindy Sherman’s work I discovered that portrait photography can be very creative and fun rather than serious and plain.

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How is this inspired by Cindy Sherman?

I like this picture, this is due to the background being complementary to the foreground, the reason why I did it was because I feel that is what Cindy Sherman does in some of the compositions she has done. The emotion that the clown has, contrasts the background and I think it makes the picture more intriguing to look at. Also, I think the choice of clothing was well thought out reason being I felt that I had to put some of my own style to this picture. I did this composition using Photoshop and used the green screen, some people may think that the circle behind me (the model) looks like a halo which adds character. Ultimately, I like Cindy Sherman’s clown photography because it is strange and unique and that is why I picked her instead of Francesca Woodman.

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How is this inspired by Cindy Sherman?

These pictures are influenced by one of Cindy Sherman’s photographs. Cindy Sherman uses makeup on her model, using a winged eyeliner look and clothing that is well planned out and portrays a certain persona. I like these backgrounds because they are unusual and I think that Cindy Sherman’s photography has a sense of Andy Warhol as well.I think that they’re out of the ordinary when comparing them to other photos which makes the composition look more engaging and interesting.

I really like her style and I am pleased with the way I look because I don’t usual wear makeup so it was quite new to me. I look lovely in these pictures, the lighting is really good and I like the way I am centred. I did my own makeup by going to Superdrugs but that was only after looking at her work so, I can interpret Cindy Sherman’s work as best as possible.

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How is this inspired by Cindy Sherman?

Cindy Sherman photograph models with exaggerated attributes for example, my eyes, which is due to the eyeliner that I have used. Also, one of the reasons I adore the first picture because of the way Kristyana took it. She took the photograph after making me laugh, she said that naturally poses pictures are good. So she was also my inspiration when taking these pictures. In addition to that, I am pleased with the second photo because the background compliments the model which is me, reason why is that the dark green and grey entwined makes the picture look mystical and professional.

I used the green screen to take these pictures, once put into Photoshop I got rid of the green and change the background. On top of that, I like my choice of clothing, I look posh which is what I was going. All of these picture are self portrait because it will help develop my work and find out more on who am I and what I like.

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How is this inspired by Cindy Sherman?

Cindy Sherman portrays the stereotypical traditional jobs of a housewife so, these photographs are inspired by that section of Cindy Sherman’s photography. I like the first picture because it kind of looks like one of Cindy Sherman’s compositions, also I adore the black and white filter because it gives the picture an old fashioned look to it. In this picture I’m supposed to be looking at my husband whilst I am doing the dishes as well as looking cute, my checked top really suits the frame.

Also, I wore my hat to add my own style to the picture as well as give it a modern touch. I am pleased with the second picture as well because it conveys a story it looks very cinematic which I like and what I was going for. It looks like I’m in a black and white style film.

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How is this inspired by Cindy Sherman?

These pictures have the same type of theme which is the traditional housewife. I admire these pictures because the camera is above me so it looks like my companion is looking down at me as if they’re inferior, which is what life was like before World War II when being a housewife was mandatory.

I think Cindy wanted to portray that in her photography, making people aware. I like the first picture because I look puzzled and fed up which was the look I was going for. Also, I am alone because no one is in frame helping me. I am happy with the second picture as well because of the cinematic look as if it is a still from a movie. I took these pictures by setting up the camera on my tripod, put the timer on, then took the box that I filled with kitchen tools and posed.