Chinatown Research

This is a video that Mark (my tutor) showed the class so that we get inspired when coming up with ideas for our Chinatown video.

After watching, I thought it was very interesting how explored the night life of K-Town. Even though, it was not about Chinatown, it had a similiar idea to what we had to do for the Chinatown video.

Snickers Advert featuring Mr Bean

This is an good advert because it mixed Chinese. with English. Also, the shots are really good they set the mood and it is very movie like along with using Mr Bean. It is a funny advert which is great and it conveys the message clearly. That is what I want for our advert for Chinatown.

Idea 1: The Montage of Chinatown including where the best places are.

Thing to research before the 23rd October:


Krystana’s research – Some of the history of Chinatown.

This will be useful in case we want to involve some facts about Chinatown.

History of Chinatown - Kristyána-page-001


We are going to film there and see if we could interview the staff and these questions shown down below, are the question we will ask.


Then, on the 23rd October we went china town to film some of the places.

In our second group meeting we completely changed our idea because it was an even better idea than the first. Click here to read the second idea.

Second/final Idea: It is a journey through Chinatown, show the different elements of Chinatown whilst a voiceover is being played along with music.

I looked at some commercials that were dramatic to get a feel of what we were going for.

Trainline Advert

This is a really example fr the type of we are going for. It’s atmospheric and interesting. Also, I like the time lapse and slow motion shots of the different areas for instance, Waterloo Station. That could be something to think about for our promo.

Go Compare

I really like this advert because it is catchy which makes it memorable, this is what we are kind of going for a voiceover that keeps you engaged and that you will remember for a long period of time.

Over Dramatic Commericals

VIM Cream Commerical – Mother in ‘Prision’

I like this advert because it is an over dramatic advert which draws you in. It looks like a scene in a proper movie however, halfway through you realise it is and advert. Plus, it is really funny which makes you want to continuously watch it and show your friends. I want that for our advert, an advert that people share around and is effective. Also, it shows you good the brand is.

Yellow Pages

I love this advert because it shows you how effective the yellow pages catalogue is. I like how they use a scenario that may relate to people who have the same mindset and have been in the same situation.

Click here to go to ideas page.