Diary (FMP)


Today, we had just got the brief for Unit 8, which is called our Final Major Project, we have until June to complete the project. Mark had uploaded the brief onto Google plus so that we can look at it all the time. Also, he had put a link to the UAL specification for this course.

14.3.15 – 16.3.15

I have generated four ideas that I would like to do for my final major project, which I will narrow down to one and that is the idea I will use for my final major project. Click here to look at these four ideas. Then I had used Facebook to get people’s opinions on each of my ideas. The majority of responses were positive only 1 or 2 had a negative opinion on my ideas nevertheless, I will use that to my advantage because that just means it is easier to decide which one I will pick for my final major project. Tomorrow, I will analysis the comments, giving my opinion on them.

17.3.15 – 18.3.15

I had given my detailed opinion on each of the given feedback as well as drawing to a detailed conclusion on which idea I will be using for my final product. I have decided to use the first idea that I had generated the first episode to my 10 episode series and I like had said in my conclusion I appreciate constructive feedback. Also, I have used bibme.org to add the source to my Bibliography.

19.3.15 – 29.3.15

I had looked up different Television shows that I had watched and liked to help me figure out what kind of show I would like to do whether it is Drama, Comedy, Animation etc. This page has broaden my mind when it comes to different types of TV pilots and what makes them good, I have analysed all of them in detailed  and I think that they are variety because you have old shows, newer shows which I think is beneficial for me. I have looked up British Series and American Series because then I decided whether I want to Americanize my TV Pilot (concept) or not.

19.3.15 – 24.3.15

I have thought of quite a few of TV Pilots that are British I have watched and liked for example, Misfit and Waterloo Road. Click here to go to the page. These TV Pilot are analysed in detailed showing the positives and negatives.

24.3.15 – 29.3.15

Now, I have found some American TV Pilot that have enjoyed watching and I have analysed them as well. I find these pilots to be interesting and insight which is always good.


I have come up with an idea for my TV Pilot click here to go to it, it is under storyline. I really think that it is a good storyline, so I did some research. I had come up with a series of questions (7 to be exact) and I had asked some of my peers click here to see what they had said. which I had interviewed Jerome with.


Today I have interviewed some more of my peers, Eryk, Karim, Jeremy and Maria this was good for me because it had helped me think about the different ways people could develop Amnesia as well as how much people know about Amnesia. After the interviewing I had started linking the questions with the answers given using premiere pro, I have done this so that it is more structured and easier to look at (understand). Maria and Jeremy’s feedback video was glitching a lot so I had made them an audio file


I had interviewed Finn, James and Jack today asking them the questions that I had written the previous week. In addition to that, I had continued editing the footage, putting the questions and answers in order using Adobe Premiere Pro.


I think that the feedback was very good, I had analyse the responses saying what I had thought about it and how I think it would help my project. I found analysing their comments was very interesting, I had also done a conclusion afterwards. Then I had written on my Proposal ideas page how I think my character develops amnesia and a link to the research page.


After analysing feedback on my idea and the question I had come up with I know what I want to do for my final project (FMP) so, I have started to do some research on Amnesia. So, I had come up with some questions that I think I should answer such as What is Amnesia, The Different Types of Amnesia etc. Today I had looked up what is amnesia, I had found definitions on the internet, for example one was from the dictionary and another one was from the NHS website etc. Also, the different types of amnesia and how to cure Amnesia which is on this page, Click here. The more and more I read, the more intrigued I got.

4.4.15 – 6.4.15

Today I had asked my peers on how they thought you could cure amnesia, they had responded with good answers. Then I had written what I think about their opinions and how they will benefit me. Also, if I agree or disagree with the statements given about Amnesia from the dictionary and other sources. After that I had used bibme.org so that I can put it in my bibliography.

7.4.15 – 9.4.15

After researching the different types of amnesia etc, I had decided to update my Storyline as well as expanding it. Then I had asked my peer (Laura) to give me some feedback on it, which was positive.

Then I started writing my script however, I was having difficult so I had looked up some how to videos on how to write a screenplay. I mean I know what idea I had but it was hard to put what was in mind on paper so had told my friend Maria what my story was and she had given me some advice and I am grateful for that. Click here for script as well as the process, I feel that as I was writing the script the idea came together which formed into my final storyline. Tomorrow, I will get feedback on my final storyline as well as my script.

10.4.15 – 11.4.15

I have asked and received feedback from my peers about my final storyline and script, all the feedback given was great. Mark Caffoor also looked over it, his feedback was very constructive which is great. As I updated the storyline (final storyline), I had also updated the back story on how Tyler develops Amnesia, which I have written out my flashback scene on how my main character develops Amnesia. I think that I prefer to the traditional car accident, hospital scene.

12.4.15 – 14.5.15

I have analysed the pieces of feedback given to me about my script and my final storyline. Then, I had asked my peers What they thought my target audience was, after clarifying my official storyline (final storyline). Then I had written a detailed analysis on what each meant and then a conclusion on how it has helped me when doing my project and I had used bibme.org so that add it to my bibliography. After that, I had found a few shows that related to the age range that I had chosen, click here to go to the page.

15.4.15 – 16.4.15

I have done a lot of research on Amnesia based films such as 50 first dates, Ghajini etc. After analysing each film I think they have broadened my understanding on using Amnesia as the concept and what makes it good to watch. In addition to that, I have created  page were there are two other pieces of media based around Amnesia which was hard to find because there are hardly any series that are based around Amnesia (making Amnesia the main theme) which makes mine unique.


Today I had done my distribution page, writing what film distribution is, how it works, how my project will be distributed etc, click here to see it. Also, a hypothetical goal and a conclusion. After that, I had done mind maps created using keywords from my theme, click here to see.


Today, I have finished the Character page I have created. This page tells you about the different characters and how chose their names etc. Then I research a bunch of Title sequences because I want to add title sequence my TV Pilot, click here to see the page. I have also done a brainstorm on what my show is going to be called.


I have created a new page called Casting and have put the poster I will use to attract the students. Also, I have created a scene by scene list so I can mark off the scene that I have completed.


Today I went to the drama room with Maria and Karim to tell them about the audition session that we would be doing because we need to cast actors for each of our Final Major Project. At 3pm, we started the audition process, I took the longest because I was not prepared properly for example, I wasn’t sure what part I would like each person to read, which slowed down the process and I have apologised for. The audition process is not finished I still need to audition more people, so now I will be prepared next time.

Also, I have updated my script after getting feedback from my tutor Mark Caffoor (he marked it). The script had spelling errors, which I have corrected as well as other faults.

To summarise:

The problems I had:

1. I was not prepared properly.

2. Errors in my script


1.  Now, I have chosen what part of the script people will be auditioning with, which are highlighted. I have learnt from my mistake and I’m using it to benefit me in the future.

2. Corrected every fault in my script and received constructive criticism used to my advantage.

On a positive note, I thought the people who auditioned were good, my opinions are shown the blog click here to see. In addition, I came prepared in the fact that I had printed my script and used it and I went to the drama room and talked confidently to my fellow peers. Also, when I went to the speak in front of the drama students, I spoke first so I was a bit nervous however, I had liked the fact that Maria and Karim were beside me supporting as well as pitching.


I had continued auditioning 2 more drama students (actors) Sharday and Ryan, they were fantastic. I had told them what they were reading and how they are feeling so that they could do their utmost best.


Today I have chosen the actors I want in my TV Pilot and I like I had said on my page I hope I have made the right decision because I want my project to go well. Also, I have made a cast list poster so that it is easier to read as well as distributed, I had put each person’s script in plastic envelopes.


Today I had done some experiment and techniques with the help of Maria and Karim (my classmate/friends). I had done it so I know what shots I want to use and so I don’t have to waste time when shooting my actual TV Pilot.


Today, I had filmed Ryan so that I could get my Title Sequence over and done with. I had used the green screen to film, but before that I had to set up the equipment that I was using such as the Camera and Tripod as well adjust the lights for the green screen. Then I had directed Ryan by informing that he should portray a serious but vulnerable facial expression so that I could it and he had done it perfectly.

Also, he hardly blinked which was because the lights are very bright, as he was focused I had done a zoom in that I had practised beforehand so, I was well prepared. Once, I had finished filming I said thank you to Ryan and then he left. After he had left, I had packed up my things and started to transfer the footage onto my computer so that I can edit. A few moment I had started to edit the title sequence, which was easy because I had practised, then when I had finished I went home. One less element to worry about.


Ryan is busy the rest of the week and is unable to film for my pilot episode but he is free next week. Unfortunately, I need to start filming this week otherwise, I will fall behind on work. So I had asked Jerome (who was my second choice) to be Tyler instead. He was hesitant at first but then he said he will do it, also, I had asked Maria if she could be Tyler’s mother in my pilot and she said yes.


I had told Maria what to wear for shooting because she was not sure, plus it is my film (Pilot) so it was up to me. I had told her to wear a white top, black jeans and her cool boots. However, she did not have a white top which was okay because black works well with but I’m going for and she had one. Also, I have told Mara and Jerome that we will start filming on Thursday so that they know and are prepared.


Today, I have filmed some of my pilot episode, I had film the scenes that involve my house. I think filming went really well considering a complication that I had.

Problems I had:

  • Lead actress (Mara) forgot or got confused and we had to shoot today, even though I had told her on Tuesday.


  • My friend and actress Rose said that she did not mind being Leanne, so I had casted her as Leanne and we went to film.

My lead actress (Mara) was supposed to be at a certain place, at a certain time but failed to do so. So, I had to ask Rose if she could be Leanne instead and she said yes, then I went to ask Rob (Drama tutor) if I could take her out of lesson to film, lucky he granted me permission to take her. Rose was great, considering she did not revise the script and I was so glad that she was available otherwise, I would be behind. Also, Maria is amazing she had helped me out because I had needed a female to play the role of Tyler’s mother (Olivia) and she did not mind helping.

Jerome delivered and was waiting for me to arrive and once I did he was ready to go film. He had brought the pyjamas and college clothes just like I had asked him to, and Maria also delivered and wore the right clothing. She arrived wearing the boots,jeans and black top, all I needed to do was give her the vest and helmet.


I had started editing the footage that we had filmed yesterday. I think the editing went really, however they are a few spaces that I need to fill but I will have to deal with that another day, but other than that I have editing part of my pilot.


I had rounded the cast of my pilot so that we could do the Canteen scene, which I did first because the Canteen was busy and I was not sure how long the scene would take to film. I had started filming the scene were Tyler’s Ex-girlfriend enters the canteen and slaps him in the face, the reason I had started with this scene is because I had thought that it would take the longest the film and I was right. Each time Sharday would slap Jerome she would feel bad which is made sense because she is slapping her friend as well as being a caring person. Once Sharday had done the slap and said her lines Rose would mess up which made the scene long to film and we needed to get it right because Jerome’s face was in agony.

Once we had finished I had asked Sharday to do an P.O.V (point of view) shot for me and then I had moved on to a different scene, which was the entrance scene. There were a few obstacles I had to overcome but overall it was good filming, after that we moved on to outside the classroom were Tyler has a panic attack, the scene went smooth and then I filming inside the classroom. Everyone was respectful and quiet when I was filming so the sound was good, however, Rose (who plays Leanne) messed up and I don’t notice until I had put it onto the computer. Then I finished the actors and equipment for the day.


After looking back at the footage, I could hear a girl singing in the background (immature individuals).

People looking at the camera

actors messing up their lines

people walking/standing in front of the camera


I will try to use audio from the another videos so that you can’t hear it, however, next time I do my project I’m going to be more assertive.

I had let them rehearse it a bit before filming again so that the scene can flow.

I was filming so me and Jerome kindly told them to move and then we continued to film.

Now, I just need to film the flashback scene with Jerome, Louie and myself. Overall, I filmed a nearly all of my pilot episode and I’m going to start editing a bit more tomorrow.


Today, I had edited a bit more of my Final Major Project product, I think it is going really well. In the evening Karim, Jerome, my Mother and I went to the location that I was going to shoot my flashback scene, she came with me for moral support as well as protection. We got to the destination and that afternoon we did a rehearsal so that when it did get dark, we would be prepared, I had borrowed equipment for the equipment room after asking mark, equipment such ass a tripod, boom pole etc. However, there was no sign of Louie. I had called him many times, no answer, so I had contacted Rose to ask her if Louie was available because he might of thought that the number was a random one.

She told me he was at work, which I already knew,however, he said that he would finish at 7pm so he could act, so I had asked her if anyone could take his place. Karim said Tarcan so I had asked Rose for his number but after phoning him, I had established that he was at home, which was okay because it is short notice and he lives far away.

Hopefully, I will use him in the future. Whilst talking to Tarcan I finally got a response from Louie saying that he can not make it because they need him at work, which was not okay but that’s life. So, Jerome suggested that we should do the fight scene but for a completely different reason, which was good. Then Karim gave me some advice on the different kind of shots that I should do and we started to film. Lucky, this all happened before it got dark so that when it was dark we were ready.

I was the camera woman whilst Jerome and Karim acted out the scene that were rehearsal beforehand, prior my directions. Also, We were filming in the dark (at night), I had brought along my small but effective light box to put on top of my camera. Additionally, towards the end of filming the battery died but I came prepared and had a spare one, then after we had finished filming I had packed up the equipment whilst Jerome and Karim looked at the footage. My mother helped out, she was the sound operator, which was great because I don’t think I could have done the audio and the filming at the same time. Plus she knows the area more than me.


Louie did not show up to shoot.


Change the scene a bit so that it still makes sense and is emotionally effective.

I think today was very productive, which is always good.

I have finally finished filming all of the scenes I can focus on the editing.I had stay up that night and in the morning I had updated my Costumes and Props page, Cast and Crew page and the Equipment page.


I have finished editing most of my TV Pilot (final product) and I have completed a production schedule of everything that has been filmed as well as other things. Now I have to focus on the audio because after editing the whole episode I had realised that audio is quite bad so I have to fix it. I have created a storyboard using Celtx and images that I had screenshot. I have also made two posters and have added it to my distribution page.


For the past three days I have been trying to fix the audio, I think it I can’t try fix it any more because I do not think it can be improved. I had exported the audio and added it to the voice as well as adding music, sound effects etc. Then I had export the video from premiere pro but before that I had went to the Canteen to film the clock, it was a transition I had wanted to add as well as the lit to show they had taken the lift upstairs.


There were problem uploading the video to youtube so I waited a day or two to try upload it again and then somehow it had worked. Click here to see Final Product. After completing my FMP I needed some feedback on it, which I had received from my peers. I had analysed what they had to say, writing for example if I agree or disagree with it and how it has helped my project. I have completed my Final Product, research that is on my blog (I have finished everything).


I have uploaded the editing process and the sound editing process, click here for The Process.

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