Chinatown Project Diary


Today Shaftesbury came in to talk the Chinatown project, which is a 3 minute promotional video on the area. They were informing us on some of the history of Chinatown and what we need to do. We were also given a map to let us know how far Chinatown goes through the areas of Leicester Square, Charring Cross etc. They told us how the competition was just for our course which was nice and we asked the questions about the project such as the deadline.

Here’s the audio from today:

I met one of my team members today, her name is Linn. She is really nice we didn’t talk much because it was all about listening today but, hopefully tomorrow we will talk properly and sort things out.


Everybody came in today, the 1st years and the 2nd years. We got into our groups for the Chinatown project and introduced ourselves. The people in my group are Jacob, who I already know, Linn, Kristyána and Menkem. They seem really cool, I got Kristyána’s number along with adding all of them on Google plus and making a group on Google hangout so we can all communicate. I made two groups, one so we can get to know each other and another for important Chinatown messages.


Today we got the group together and discuss we areas of the Chinatown project we need to do research in, discussing research roles, which was okay. On Friday we will be going down to Chinatown and look around, asking people some of the questions that we had come up with about the area.



Today, we went to Chinatown and started looking around to finding good places to film which was pretty good and insightful. Plus, we had a lot of fun so it was alright walking around the area, I think that our group has great chemistry and I think we have amazing footage for our promotional video so far, we just need to go back and capture more footage. However, before that we will be planning out where we are going to be filming and what as well as the roles we are going to be having so I think we are on the right path. Hopefully we will meet up in the holidays.


Today Jacob, Linn, Kristyána and I went to Chinatown to film some shots for our Promo video, it was very productive we had filmed good shots. Kristyána was camera operator the majority of the time. Before that Jacob came up with an amazing which he explained and we agreed to do. I think we still need some more footage but we will discuss it next Monday.

2015-11-12 2015-11-12(1)


We filmed some shots using the green screen today, it really fun, it was kind of hard acting but I did it in the end. It looked really good and we going to use it in the promo video.


Today, Jacob and I decided that it should be two best friends rather than three best friends because it would be easier. Before that we used the green screen at College to record some shots than Jacob used Adobe After Effects to edit it together. I filmed Jacob and Jacob filmed me.

Jacob has started editing the footage, I would have helped out more but it was he vision, so all I do is give my opinion on it.


We filmed some more shots at Chinatown Kristyana, Jacob and I we had so much fun doing so. I had brought my shoulder rig whilst Jacob brought his camera, Kristyana filmed us two because we are the main characters of the promo video. Kristyana filmed different scenarios involving Jacob and I along with different places in Chinatown. also, we went on the Ferris-wheel and took shots of Leicester Square from up above.


Today Jacob and I went meet at Leicester Square to go to China town and shoot a couple of things of the promo video, we used in alley way in Chinatown to film. Then we had got some more shots around Chinatown which was great.


Today we watched everyone’s Chinatown’s promo videos, they were really good Emilie came in to choose the best 6 to be entered. After looking at all of them, Jacob and I promo video was picked, she did tell us to change some things and the software kept crashing on Jacob but other than that it was a good day.


I had a good time today at the Montalire. They screened all of our promo videos on Chinatown, we had some food, had some drinks, it was a fun day. Jacob and I came third and won some money, I am so proud of our work and the hard work we put into it.