
Distribution is used immensely in the film industry to advertise and promote a company’s brand whether it is a new film such as posters, film premiere, showcases, trailer and any more distributional techniques. I used the knowledge that I gained from unit 8 to create this page.

How my short film is going to be distributed:


This year there’s going to be a showcase for the creative department and in that showcase, my work is going to be presented. This showcase will show off my filmmaking skills and techniques along with presenting my progression and hard work. Students who attend my the college will be able to view my final outcome in an allocated room.


Millions upon millions of people watch YouTube on a daily basis. Youtube is a distribution website that is used by thousands of people to have a platform to show off what they have to offer, reach their target audience and develop their fan base. Furthermore, the website is free so that it is easier to upload videos and it is useful because if you do develop a big enough fan base for yourself then YouTube give you money for the amount of views that you receive for each video. Hopefully, I can create and develop a YouTube channel after I finish this course. I am going to be uploading my creative media project outcome onto Youtube so that it is easy to view my film, plus, youtube is where have been uploading all of my other videos and films that I have done in previous units such as unit 6,7,8,10 and 12.

Word of Mouth e.g telling my family and friends

Once my final major project has been uploaded, I will inform my friends and family so that they can watch the movie too. I will be informing my mother so that is can so my granddad so has watched it, also, my friends because I want them to view what I have done and then tell me what they think if it. In addition to that, I want my actors to view what they have achieved and I want them to show their parents, friends and family as well and if they choose to add to the actors showreel. So word of mouth is beneficial to the distribution of my work.

Social Media

Also, I use social media such as Instagram and Twitter that I have learnt to use more because of unit 10 and creating a Youtube Channel. I will be utilising my social media accounts so that more people can see it and I receive a bigger audience. I think that Instagram and Twitter are big platforms on the internet and is used extremely in today’s society so that these websites will hopefully expand my viewings and more people will know about my work.


I will be making a poster for my movie. I did it last year and they came out really well so I’m going to do one for my film ‘Kelly’. The aspects that people respond to such as Colour, Actors, Title, Image,Theme,Reviews and Slugline. I will take theses elements into consideration to successfully create a poster.


If I have time I am going to be doing a trailer for my film. I think that trailers give you a thrilling insight into the movie that engages you.unfortunately I didn’t have time to make a trailer however I still think that trailers in general are beneficial for both the public as well as for the film staff.


I was thinking of adding one of the bits of this film to my showreel thus creating a new showreel to present to people.


'kelly' portrait poster

This is a poster that I developed on Photoshop because I want people to be informed about my film and become excited which will make them want to watch it.

feedback on poster:

1. I like the poster because it is informative and it catches my eye. – Winter

I am happy with that positive feedback and I think that this poster will benefit the publicity that my film will receive.

2. I like the colour of the poster and the slug line is engaging. – Jeremy

The colour red in my poster symbolise blood and I think that creates a cool effect, I am happy that he likes the slugline because a slugline is supposed to engage the audience.


Twitterr - Distribute

Using my twitter account I distributed my film so that people know about it and watch it. Also, I using @Youtube which is Youtube as a twitter platform to share it as well as my own page. I have only 170 followers and hopefully, they will all view it. I think that the way it is distributed looks appealing because it shows the title and the description below to give an insightful on the film.


Insta - distributeInsta - distribute2

Insta - distribute4

I used my Instagram account to promote my film ‘Kelly’. I received 7 likes and a comment from Carla telling me that she likes the poster which I responded to. I think that its important to distribute your project on a few pieces of social media because then you can build a fan base on those few websites. I have 198 followers and hopefully, they will watch and like the film and share with friends.