The Production

This is our YouTube channel logo, banner and description. When creating the representation for our YouTube channel, we used Illustrator and Photoshop.Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 11.49.20

I think that it looks really good and we worked really hard on it. Underneath the videos that we worked on. Connor, The Red Balloon, Behind the scenes of both movies and our official ident.

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We also created social media websites that we help us receive more publicity when we upload the videos that we do. We created a Twitter, Instagram and Facebook account.

Instagram Account

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Maria uploaded the movie posters and logo.

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This is our twitter page; bcfproductions. We didn’t blackchairfilms because, it was already taken. Luckily we could use black chair films for our Facebook page which was great.

Twitter and Facebook Account

Twitter –

Facebook –

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Final product – The Red Balloon

The Red Balloon is about killer clowns who are killing teenagers at night.

Feedback on The Red Balloon

1. The clowns should have had more screen time as it seems confusing them just barging into the house. – Joseph

2. The dialogue was too colloquial for the main character because he didn’t seem comfortable with his lines. – Chris

3. There was a good build up and i felt very engaged. I like how it was professionally done and I liked the texting and article effect . However, the end was a bit rushed. – Valentina

4. I think that it should have had scary music towards the end which would have built up more tension. – Maria

Conclusion on feedback

I think that The Red balloon was great. It is always good to receive feedback for people and we all take the feedback into consideration so that we can develop our skills for the future.

Final product – Connor

Connor is about a son who goes back into time to see his father.

Feedback on Connor

1.  I cut one of the thieves head off as he was talking, it could be improved by showing his face and also have a longer reaction shot of the two thieves at the back. – Joseph

2. You can hear people talking in the background of the last scene. It would be nice to see when Connor and dave are talking, to have a cut between shots of both of their reactions. – Jireh

3. We should have planned it better and filmed it how it was originally; in the park. – Maria

Conclusion on feedback

Even though, the feedback wasn’t what I hoped for. I can learn from those mistakes and improve my techniques for the future. All criticism is beneficial.

Final product – Behind The scenes

Theses videos show the filming process (behind the scenes footage).

The Red Balloon – behind the scenes

1. I like the face painting and I like the blonde guy and the coffee, I thought it was funny. It’s a nice video it’s great. – Hung

2. I found it intriguing, seeing the make up process. Also, I liked when the actors are discussing with others about how is on set along with the girl telling them what they to do. I liked the nice atmosphere of friendship. – Carla

Connor – behind the scenes

1. Overall, this is a really nice b roll, however, some of it is dark. – Alwin.

2. I think that it is candid and the footage is great, it made me smile. – Francis

Conclusion on feedback from the BTS footage.

Great feedback on the behind the scene videos, I am glad that it received good feedback and the reason it was dark was because it was a cloudy day.

Overall Conclusion on the videos and the brand we created:

Mixed feedback was given about our two films (both positive and negative) which is okay because constructive criticism is always good. This will benefit me for future project and I would like to do another project with Maria and James because, I think that they are reliable individual and we work hard and I think that it showed in this videos. I am proud of the progression.