Concept – Idea Development

Coming up with the concept of our Youtube channel was great, we had:


  • 3 Short films
  • Random Interviews
  • Comedy Sketches

Main Idea

We decided to go for the 3 Short films.

Theme: Short Film – 5 minutes minimum – 10 minutes maximum

3 Short Films in 3 Different Genres

Mind map of the different genres we had come up with and narrowed down to three.

Mind Map - Idea Development

The Chosen Genres:

  • Horror
  • Sci-Fi
  • Romantic Comedy

Horror Film Idea:

It starts with a glimpse of the end, shows title, then starts from the start of the day.

Matthew wakes up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep so he goes on his phone. He starts to message his best friend Ricardo asking him if he is awake, however there is no reply so he goes onto Facebook and sees an article about a killer clown who’s been killing teenagers around the area, late at night. Matthew does not believe what is said in the article because it’s an unusual story. After reading the article, Ricardo finally messages him back saying that he is awake and if Matthew has seen the article about the murderous clown, which he has.

After talking for nearly an hour. Matthew fancies some tea, unfortunately, there is no milk or tea bags and theses are the crucial ingredient when making tea. So, he has to go out and buy some. He messages Ricardo saying that he is going to the shop to buy some things, in case he wants to come.

Matthew is on his way to buy the tea bag and milk. The roads are fully deserted and weird things start to happen to him, making him feel paranoid. The lights start to flicker, leaves start to move but there is no wind. Matthew is paranoid so he tells himself that there is telling to be worried, no one is there and he needs to just relax. All of a sudden, Ricardo (his best friend) jumps out in front of Matthew and scares him.

Matthew pushes Ricardo and says ‘What the hell is wrong with you’ and then Matthew continues his journey to the shop along with Ricardo. They finally get to the shop and go inside to buy the milk and tea bags, then come out and head home. On my way home, they get to a point where they have to go their separate ways. Ricardo is walking home until he hears a rustle and then sprints to get home faster, whilst Matthew continues to walk home.

Matthew hears a scream (Ricardo’s scream) and starts walking at a faster pace. Then he starts hearing footsteps behind him, looks back but no one is there. He hears the footsteps again and still does not see anyone there, then he says ‘Hey Ric, Stop playing around I’ve had enough for one night’.

He turns round for the last time and see a clown with a red balloon behind him, he pushes the clown to the side and says ‘How did you change so fast?’, thinking it is his best friend Ricardo. But then he looks at the other side of the road and sees another clown which starts walking towards him, that is when he realises he article was telling the truth.

He looks back at the clown with the red balloon and it is still following him. Matthew is now petrified and is looking for an exit when a tricycle rolls up in front of him, looks down at it then back up and see a clown running towards him with a bloody knife. There’s no escape for Matthew the clowns have him surrounded, he drops his shopping on the floor which causes the milk to burst open and leak on the floor. Then you hear screaming and then the blood mix with the milk.

The End.

Updated Storyline:

Matthew wakes up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep so he goes on his phone. He starts to message his best friend Ricardo asking him if he is awake, however there is no reply so he goes onto Facebook and sees an article about a killer clown who’s been killing teenagers around the area, late at night. After messaging Ricardo, Matthew gets up to make coffee. As Matthew is making coffee, ricardo is on his way to Matthew’s house to hang out; Matthew is unaware. He hears a knock on the door, opens it and no one is here. Then, there’s a second knock at the door and it’s Ricardo. Ricardo comes in and sits on the sofa with Matthew, they start talking. They stop talking because, Ricardo has college later, so he leaves. As he leaves, the three killer clowns from the article enter Matthew’s house and attack him.

The End.

Movie Name:

The Red Balloon


  • Main Character: Matthew.
  • Best Friend: Ricardo (Ricky/Ric).
  • 3 Clowns.


Make-up, A Red Balloon, Tricycle, Milk, Fake Blood, Red Food Colouring, Fake Teeth, Fake Knife, Wig (maybe), Clown Costume. Newspaper Article (to be made).

Updated Prop list:

Face paint, A Red Balloon, Mug,Sppon, Coffee,Kettle


Maria’s Area (Wembley Park)

Maria’s House

Updated Location:

At Maria’s house

Science Fiction Film Idea:

Parallel universe, very intelligent main character, a task is given.

It’s a misty cold morning, a young odd-looking teenage boy, Connor, can be seen sitting at the park bench by himself. There’s another teenage boy, Dave, sitting at the other end of the bench reading a book. Something falls out of Dave’s backpack so Connor picks it up and says “Hey, you dropped this”, Dave says “Thank you” and goes back to reading his book. Dave feels like Connor looks very familiar in a way, which keeps distracting him from his book. He then put’s his book down says ” hm I’m sorry but you look very familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” From there on they start talking and getting to know each other’s.

In the distance you see a group of boys coming their way, as the group of boys get closer to them Connor senses danger, Connor then put’s his hand on top of his wrist watch. The group of boys all wearing dark jumpers with their hoodies on so you can’t really see who they are, the tallest one says “both of you quiet, and give us your money”, as Dave is about to hand the boy his money Connor presses a button on his watch which holograms several options, as he select’s the option to knock people out. The group of boys fall dead asleep to the ground.

Dave it’s amazed of what Connor’s watch can do, but at the same time scare. Connor suggests that they start walking to a further bench. Dave agrees but starts questioning where Connor got that watch, what does it do, etc. Connor explains Dave everything, he then let’s him give it a go and play around with the watch.

As they sit at another bench, Connor get’s a flash back of the reason he came back to the past.

Flashback – Connor is home alone, searching through old boxes filled with old photographs and notebooks of his father. His father Dave is an inventor; he is the one who created all the gadgets and software’s used on in the future and obviously Connor’s wrist watch. Connor it’s trying to follow in his father’s footsteps so he created a function where it allows him to time travel, but it’s not fully done, meaning he can only stay in the year he chose for a few hours. He decided to give his experiment a try and meet his father when he was a teenager. He sets the time, date and place to go back. –

Dave breaks Connor’s day dream by asking him what does the time travel unnamed function on the watch does, Connor tries avoiding the question by saying it’s a glitch in the software as it’s not fully done yet.

Connor asks Dave for the time and Connor realises he has to go. Dave is still very curious about everything so he asks Connor if they can meet again to hang out, Connor agrees, hands Dave a note and runs of saying goodbye and that he’s late for dinner. As Connor is running off, Dave starts walking home to the opposite direction. You can see Connor running and then disappearing in the background in the mean time Dave decides to open the letter to read it. Dave looks up closes the letter and smiles.

Movie Name:




A Visit to the Past.


  • Main characters: Present Dude: Dave (Father), Future Dude: Connor (Son).
  • 4 Hooded Robbers.


Gadget watch, Normal clothes, Dark hoodies.


Maria’s House

Romantic Comedy Film Idea:

This film is about a male named James and how he arrannges a date through a social dating website (Tinder). So, he asks his mates for advice because, it’s his first date. However, it is not what he imagines because, he does not take his mates advice. This act of foolishness ruins his date which is shown in 3 different ways.

The first scenario is that he wakes up late and forgets his wallet at home. The second issue is that he loses interest in what his date; Eve has to say and finally he gets stuck in the toilet, leaving his phone on the table and to make things worse he gets a message from his best friend; who is a girl. So, when he finally gets out of the toilet,he gets a glass of water thrown in his face because his date has misinterpreted the situation between them.

Movie Name:

What Not To Do On A Date


  • Main Characters: James, Eve
  • James’s Best friends; Jay, Will, Joshua


Glass of water, Wallet, Mobile phone.


Finn’s House

Coffee Shop