Animating Text

Animating Text

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The First step is to open up the Adobe After Effects software either typing it into the search engine or using the shortcut.

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Once you’ve done that the warning notice will pop up, don’t be alarmed, all you have to do is click OK. It will come up every time up open up the software, on the other hand, you can just click Never Again and it shouldn’t pop up next time.

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The third step would be to click New composition, so you can start the work (tutorial).

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After clicking New Composition you need to type in the name of your composition, which is Animating Text, then go to Preset and underneath type in the Width and Height. When you are doing this make sure the Lock Aspect Ratio is unticked, type in 1920 next to the Width and 1080 next to the Height. The other way to do your setting is going to Preset and scroll down HDTV 1080 25 or 24, 24 is better however, I did 25 so do 25. After that, it should look like the picture above on the right hand side.

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Now you have to go to File, scroll down to Import and click File or you can use the shortcut shown in the picture above on the right hand side. Then you have to find the video that you are going to use, in this case its a man with lots of muscle.

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This is what your screen should look like after clicking importing the footage

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After clicking you should see the footage on the left hand side of the screen, click the footage and drag it to the icon presented as a picture above on the right hand side. You drag it to that icon to match the resolution of the video to the resolution of the composition setting (on the software).

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When that is done, it should show up on the timeline shown above in the left picture. The timeline is located at the bottom of the screen.

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Then, you need to add your text so what you need to do is right click on your mouse next to the timeline, go to new and click Text. Another way is to go to the Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 16.43.15 located on top of the screen, click it, and then click the footage, making a fairly big size box .

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After doing that, the next step that you should take is writing ‘Fitness’ inside that box that you have get made and position it above the shoulder so it can be seen. To position it you need to go back to the tool bar that you found the text tool, click the mouse looking, then click the text and move it around.Then make the ‘Fitness’ text white by going to the right hand side of the screen and clicking the colour chart.

Do the same with the other two texts ‘Is’ and ‘Good’. For the text ‘is’ position it a bit high then the ‘Fitness’ and make sure the text is white, the text labelled ‘Good’ should be positioned on the bottom right corner of the video making sure it’s white and quite big.

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Make sure the texts are ordered correctly, so it should be Fitness at the top, s in the middle and Good at the bottom. Also all of them should be on top of the footage when on the timeline otherwise they will not appear. Additionally, make sure they appear at different times but in order for example, Fitness comes straight in at 0 seconds, is comes in at about 1 second and the Good comes in at about 2 to 2.15 seconds.

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To do the effect part of this video, you need to go to right hand side of the screen to Effect & Presets, click Blur and sharpen and then scroll down to Camera Lens Blur. When you have found the Camera Lens Blur, click and drag the effect to each text ( Fitness, Is and Good).

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Click the tool (shown in yellow) after setting the effects so that the composition can play smoothly and properly. This Preview window/tool is located near the top of the screen on the right hand side

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Make sure you are always saving with every change that you make. This is the most important thing to do because you’ll never know when the software might crash. So, always save your work.

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Once you have saved your work, you need to render your composition. To do that you could either go to the top of the screen, click composition located on the tool bar and scroll down to Add To Render Queue or go to File, scroll down to Export and click Add To Render Queue.

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After clicking Add To Render Queue,  the Render Queue (shown in the picture above) window should pop up. The next step is to click Output Module, which is demonstrated in the next.

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Afterwards you need to go to Format and make sure it is on QuickTime and then you have to click on Format Options. After that, go to Video Codec and scroll down to HDV 1080P25. Next you click OK and click OK again after that.

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When you have finished setting up the Output Module, you have to give your video a name, this is performed by going to Output Movie to and typing in ‘Animating Text’. After that, click Save.

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Now you need to click render and it will render your composition into a video. what you need to do now is upload  your completed composition (your 1080p video) on to YouTube and then add it to your blog.

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