Final Evaluation

The sound project was an good and interesting project to do because I like using the software Logic Pro 9 as well as being creative when producing sounds.

One of the positive outcomes that has come out of this Unit 5 is the Sound Essay. I really enjoyed doing the sound production essay, In my opinion, I think that it has broaden my knowledge on the different types of methods of sound used within film.  Another positive outcome is the background

One of the negative parts of the Unit (Unit 5) was that my hits weren’t as impactful as I had wanted. The reason why is because I was focused more on Unit 6 I didn’t have enough time to make sounds more hard hitting then I would have liked. However, I have the knowledge to do so in the future when it  comes to action films and films that have fight scenes.

I have learnt how to create sound effects using vegetables such as celery, carrots and pasta, in addition to that, different objects (props) such as wood, mugs, polystyrene.

Also, I learnt how to do the Foley technique to edit my clip, which will benefit me in the future and I have acquired new skills when dealing with editing.

Furthermore, I have learnt the meanings of different words to do with sound (understanding the terminology of elements involving sound) for example, Internal Diegetic sounds are heard within the mind of a character and asynchronous sound, which is sound that comes from a different time such as a flashback.

What I would have done differently involves creating the different sounds, I would have used more objects and techniques to create them. Also, I would have chosen my own clip so that I could be more creative, however I didn’t have enough time to film my own clip.

Overall, I think my final product came out really well, the disadvantage is that the sounds weren’t strong enough for the actions that were shown throughout the video.

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