Final Product

I Love You is about a couple, who get into an argument, and as a result of feeling bad about the argument.  It triggers good memories that have occurred in their relationship.


1. I like the flashbacks, for example, the milkshake and just Ana and Dylan spending time together. I think that the storyline is good. Overall, it was great. – Luana

Luana’s feedback was good, I am glad she liked the flashbacks because I feel like it was important. A lot of Lubezki’s technique was added, for example, the tracking technique along with the close-up technique he uses.

2. The sound is an issue. I think the cinematography was good. The only weird shot was the push. Overall, I think it mirrors some of the style done by your chosen cinematographer; Emmanuel Lubezki. Well done.– Nathan

I am pleased that he tough that my final product mirrors the style of Lubezki because that is what I was going for. Great positive feedback from Nathan apart from a shot that was in the movie and the sound. I totally accept Nathan’s criticism when it came to the sound being an issue. However, I felt that the sound wasn’t as important as the visual. The reason being, I was doing my final product the visual techniques of Emmanuel Lubezki.

3. I thought that the scriptwriting was good, I liked the foreign language included. However, I think that there should have been more camera angles. – Eniola

Eniola has a valid point about there being more camera angles. I am happy he liked my scriptwriting and the fact that I added foreign language at the beginning. I added the different language on purpose so, I am glad he liked it.

4. Everything was amazing, the storyline, the tracking shots and I thought the argument at the beginning was funny. Also, the cinematography was very good. – Jeremy

Another positive opinion from a peer. Even though the argument wasn’t supposed to be comedic I’m glad he thought it was good. Positive feedback is very comforting because I feel like I’m doing something right. Not that, negative feedback isn’t good, I think that all feedback is good because I learn from them. It’s good that I’m getting a positive reaction from people.

5. I think it was successful in engaging the audience by depicting a relatable situation in an emotional way. I felt the emotions being conveyed by the actors and the camera work made the film feel more real and allowed me to feel part of the situation. However, some of the transitions took away some of the immersion by taking away from that natural look. – Jacob

I like Jacob’s feedback because I feel that my film could relate to people. Also, I think that the actors did a great job conveying emotion and his comment on my camerawork is very encouraging. He said the transition (flashes in between) is distracting whereas other people say that the cuts do not look good without it. So, it just depends on the individual but, it is interesting feedback.

Overall conclusion:

There were mixed opinions about my final product but, I really enjoy receiving constructive criticism. I know the sound wasn’t great but now, I have bought myself a microphone to get better sound for the next time I do a project. I feel that all the comment had valid points, which will help me for future projects (my final major project).