Special FX Make up

The clip above is a video of the scene that I am using for my short film, it also shows the final look of Special FX Makeup.

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Theses pictures show the final result of the special fx makeup, it took a long time but it was all worth it in the end. I think the end result was perfect and I’m of what we had achieved. I like how Sharday was very patience and was willing to do it.


This picture shows Sharday’s makeup midway through the process, it looked really good and had moulded together really well.

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These pictures are at the beginning of the special FX makeup process, this is when the mould started to develop, in my opinion she looked like she was part robot.


Special Fx Makeup – The Process

This is the process of the special fx makeup (a tutorial). It shows you how they used the liquid latex, bandages and tissue paper to create the effect of my main character having no mouth. The process was very long so I had to speed up some parts of the footage.

This is the video of Sharday taking off the mould.

as you can see in the video, the mould came off smoothly and that is why we had used liquid latex, because if we had used glue it would have been as good and it would have been hard to get off.

This is what the mould looks like.

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The mould can be reused again, if I keep it safe.


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