My Proposal


Here is my project proposal.

UAL ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Unit 13 – Stephanie Corr-Amajor

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UAL ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Unit 13 – Stephanie Corr-Amajor (2)

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Proposal concept:

Explanation of the concept

The principle concept is to produce a film that demonstrated “Infatuation and Revenge”. I chose Infatuation and Revenge because I think that it will be challenging for me and also help me in the future towards bigger tasks that I might be doing. This is because I have to do research on both themes and combine the knowledge that I gained to progress and come up with an idea that I will compose into a short film at the end of the project. Furthermore, I chose these themes because one portrays love and the other portrays hate so it will be interesting to explore because they’re supposed to be opposites.

I think that choosing two themes and combining them is a unique to me because I have never done it before so I am taking a risk. Even though I am taking this risk, I believe that this risk will be beneficial to the end result of this creative media project because I will hopefully have learned new skills and obtained new information along with broadening my imagination and knowledge on the subject and filmmaking.

Also, researching two themes creates variety and will encourage me to be creative because of the amount of knowledge that I will gain during this project as well as information on the theme which will assist me in coming up with multiple ideas and understanding aspects of each theme. They are also reliable subjects and this is due to the amount of information that can be found on the subject, for example, films such as ‘Obsessed’ and ‘Kill Bill’, Literature that involves poetry, plays, biblical stories and novels as well as music. In addition to that, the brainstorming of ideas, feedback on the theme will help in understanding what the definition of infatuation and revenge means to me and to other people so that it would help me with my research.

The aim of the project

The aim of my final project is to use all the advanced skills, knowledge and understanding of the film industry obtained from my film course at Westminster Kingsway from research to editing which will help me to produce an independent film, using the themes indicated in the subtitle above, and sharing my accomplishments with a specific audience. Plus, I can develop and gain new skills, knowledge and understanding of the film industry, experience new situations that I can learn from, improve previous skills that I have learnt that will help me in this project as well as the future.

The research that I will be doing on infatuation and Revenge are as followed:

For primary research, I will be producing questions that are based on the themes to ask people from inside and outside of the college (Westminster Kingsway College) for their opinions. Once I have received the people’s feedback I will be going back to it and write about how each piece of feedback will help me in understanding the theme along with figuring out about what I agree/disagree with.

For secondary research, I will be researching a variety of topics that are based on infatuation and revenge that I mentioned before which were films, literature (like poetry, biblical stories, plays etc). This is so that I understand my chosen themes as best as possible and use them as accurately as possible in the creation of my film. Also, the ideas that I come up with will be supported through the feedback that I received from my audience. I will be receiving feedback and then comment on it as well as concluding the feedback saying how I have benefited from the information that I have received and how I can use it in my creative media project.

Learning from the past 12 units I think that I have gained a good perspective on the pre-production. I will be using the pre-production to support the production of my final product, for instance, creating pre-production pages. One of the pages would be based on casting and this will show my research and how I chose the actors for my short film. Another page will be a script page presenting my progression of the script I will be producing along with the feedback I will be collecting and concluding on. I will also be creating a location’s page that will exhibit the different locations that I will be using to film my final outcome. Furthermore, writing about the costume and props that I will be using in my film along with information on where I will get them from and why am I using each costume and prop. I will be producing a production schedule showing a brief day to day activity of filming and the safety precautions I took before filming.

When and how you will use studios, equipment and other resources?

For this project, I will be using either my Canon 550D or the Canon 70D that the college provided to us when available. I am going to borrow the zoom recorder,shotgun microphone and boom pole so that I can get the best sound possible for my film (my final outcome) because in previous projects the sound was only satisfactory. I would have to fill out a form to notify Mark what equipment I will be taking out and how long for. Any props or costumes that I may need, I will be buying for the shop that may provide the props and costumes needed, unless I already have it in my house. All of my resources will be listed and then I will decide how to use them.I am not sure when I will be using these resources but when it comes to the date, I will be making a schedule, however, I will be using and thinking about these resources when I come up with the idea and when I start to film my short film.

Once I have finished the final project outcome (my short film),  my final project will be exported 1080p HD film as it’s indicated form and it will be uploaded onto my college youtube channel. In addition, the editing and sound process will be included, showing what I have done along with the experiments that I will do. Finally, a reflective diary to record everything that mentioned above and an evaluation of the whole entire unit (unit 13).

Once I finished the final project, I will be putting it as a 1080p HD film as its indicated form and it will be uploaded onto my college youtube channel. In addition, the editing and sound process will be included, showing what I have done along with the experiments that I will do. Finally, a reflective diary to record everything that mentioned above and an evaluation of the whole entire unit (unit 13).

How will you make use of tutorial and peer feedback?

Peer feedback is important to the development of my creative media project because people have different perspectives on anything and even on my work, for example, someone can give you a different aspect on  anything that you didn’t notice before or give you positive feedback on an idea you like but need reassurance on. The feedback that I will be receiving will either be a primary source or secondary source. Feedback given through a primary source would be vocal feedback that I will either upload to SoundCloud or write as the feedback is being spoken or video recorded feedback which is recorded using a camera and a microphone. Then, the feedback through a secondary source would be websites such as Facebook, Twitter,Instagram or apps such as Whatsapp. Once I receive the feedback given for an idea or any other aspect of the project, I will be commenting and concluding them so that I have more of an idea of what I want and what I understand. The same method will be applied if I discover any tutorials or videos that peak my interest. I will be looking at each one and write about how they will benefit me and what I like and dislike about it.

Where you will incorporate independent study

I will be incorporating independent study throughout the whole project. I have received the brief and the criteria to guide me, however, I have to understand and use it to my advantage. From past experience, I have learnt that independent study is very important because it teaches me how to be reliable and how not to rely on others to get any work completed. In other areas of the project, you might have to rely on other people to get things completed such as the acting when filming. I must rely on the actors as well as they rely on me. However, when researching and making sure that you have everything ready to start filming and being organised, I have to take responsibility. From past experience, I have learnt that if you count on someone to get anything done and you know that the person is not going to partake in completing the task, and you know that you are able to complete the task then, in my opinion, you should take over and complete that task.

Also, it feels more rewarding to incorporate independent study to your studies because you can proudly credit yourself about every aspect that someone may like and enjoy. Independent study is good to apply unless you are really stuck on an aspect of your project and need further assistance.