Other Pieces of Media based on Amnesia

5 Seconds of Summer

This song bases the lyrics around and how they would want to forget the love of their life, in addition to singing about the memories they had together. This is a good song because I have seen any other songs that call their song Amnesia as well as using Amnesia as a base to their song. The song has lots of views and likes, this shows many people can relate to the words and the topic (Amnesia) so, I think basing my TV pilot around Amnesia will be very effective.

Derek’s Comedy Mystery Team – Memory Loss

This is a skit were they use Amnesia but a comedic way. In my opinion, I think this is funny but in a way not funny because of the fact it could have happen to someone with memory loss, after doing some research on the topic I feel sympathy for amnesic individuals so when I watch this video it is kind of off putting. I liked the concept and how it is mocking memento however, I kind of dislike it simply because of the new knowledge I have acquired when doing this project.


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