Feedback on Generated Ideas

First Idea

Facebook logo. (n.d.). Retrieved May, 2016, from

1. I think that it would be a funny idea to film and watch. You would have to find somebody who could really pull off the comedic infatuated vibe. Also, I like it because it’s a weird obsession/infatuation. – Kevin

The feedback given by Kevin is very positive and I think his advice is great and totally agree with it, I think that finding someone who could pull off the comedic vibe would be favourable. Kevin’s feedback has helped me because it has made me I think about what kind of person to cast if I decide to do this idea and the positive feedback is reassuring because the feedback given means that it’s a good idea to do. It has made me think a bit on which idea to do.

2. It’s cool and the actors have to be funny. Make sure you capture the expressions and use camera techniques that will enhance the funniness of the concept. Overall, the concept is engaging and I can’t wait to watch it when it’s done. – Kunta

Kunta has given me positive feedback on this idea which is good, I think that he has a similar opinion as Kevin when it comes down casting the actor. I like that he thinks it would be entertaining to watch because that is what I was going for, funny and entertaining. Lastly, I like the advice Kunta gave about the filming as I agree with that statement If I do this idea for my final major project I have some in mind. This feedback is helped me think more about whether or not to choose it.

3. I think that it is kind of weird. The idea of someone being obsessed with beards is a bit strange too because I’ve never felt that way myself. But, different people like different things, so it would be a bit of an experience to see that perspective. – Chloe

I am going for a strange and weird vibe from this idea so when she said that I thought great. I like how open minded Chloe is and hopefully, other people will be too if I decide to choose this idea.

4. I’m not really into film, I’m more mechanical. However, I feel that this could be a good and funny idea to film and put onto YouTube. – Ricardo

I like Ricardo’s feedback as a result of him saying it would be a funny idea to film because that is what I’m going for humour. Comedy is really hard to do so if people are saying that this idea would make them laugh then that is great. I think I’m going to take his opinion along with everyone else’s opinion on this idea when I decide what idea to go for.

Second Idea

Facebook logo. (n.d.). Retrieved  May, 2016, from

1. I think that it’s a fresh idea and I think that it would work, depending on the actor’s ability. I think that it would be cool to watch and this idea excites me. – Carla

Carla has given me positive feedback, I am happy that Carla thinks that this is a fresh idea and that the idea excites her. I think that is comforting to read because other people may think the same thing and that means people may enjoy it too. I have seen it before in animation, however, I think that I could make it original and in my own style.

2.  I think that it’s a good concept, I really like it. It makes sense what you are trying to do, the usual coffee place should be the main place. – Deng

I agree that the main location should be their go to meetup space, I imagined that it ould be the couple’s main location. Also, I am glad that he likes the concept because I think that it would be a film to do.

3. I think that it’s alright. I don’t make films but, I think that the couple (Todd and Sarah) are quite psychotic, which makes it interesting and why I like it. Also, that you came up with this idea, kind of shocks me. – Hung

Hung’s finds this idea to be interesting and he likes the fact that they are quite psychotic which is superb because it makes me that more about choosing this idea. It is funny that he was shocked that I came up with this idea because I am a sweet girl so he wouldn’t have thought that I would think of a crazy deep idea. I think that is good because it shows that I have a deep dark imagination and that I can be diverse.

4. I think that it’s a crazy storyline but, I think it’s interesting. I can imagine what it would like and I would defiantly watch it. – Lehmon

Lehmon has given me positive feedback is pleasing, similar to hung she thinks it would be interesting to watch and convinces me to lean towards this idea. I am delighted that she can visualise it because that means it has the potential to be made. Maybe I will do this idea, we will see.

Third Idea

Facebook logo. (n.d.). Retrieved May, 2016, from

1.It sounds good, how is the computer going to get revenge on its user and how does the computer stop. – Adam

I am delighted that Adam appreciates the concept and I think that if I develop the story more. Then, I could describe and figure out how the computer would stop as well as figure out how the computer would get revenge.

2. This idea sounds awesome because I think that people would love it. The computer is serving justice. – Carla

Carla’s positive opinion is great because it assures me that I’m on right track and the ideas that I am coming up with are not pointless concepts and that they are engaging. She likes the idea of a computer who serves justice, it sounds like a superhero or authoritative figure which I like.

3. I think that it sounds amazing. This is because I think that it has a bit of a message to it. I think that it could be a good idea to do because it could be either serious or funny depending on you. – Meghan

I am pleased that Meghan likes the idea. I didn’t know that there’s a message but now that she has said that I feel that there should be a message and it should be more serious, however, I think that if it is generic and don’t think that would connect with the audience. It is an aspect to think about if I decide to choose this idea for my final major project and I am happy this piece of feedback made me ask questions about what I should. I think that it a good mentality to have when doing any of ideas that I have come up with.

4. I like it! Who doesn’t love watching someone get screwed over, it sounds like an interesting idea.- Patricia

Patricia likes the idea because it sounds interesting. In addition to that, I think that Patricia has a good point, most people like watching someone get screwed over and in some cases, I am like that. The more I read the feedback the more I come to a decision on what I want to do for y final major project and that is great.

Fourth Idea

1. I think that it’s really good. I like the concept of you taking the audiences’ scenarios of revenge and re-enact them. People could relate to the situations that you may display. – Sheila

I was hoping that this idea would relate to people’s real life situations because I think if I can help someone who going through a bad situation or informs someone of a situation, it would make me happy. Also, I think the idea would evoke varies emotions such as sympathy.

2. I think that it sounds quite intriguing because it sounds like those old shows that would read a story and then use animation to portray the story visually. Like, Meg and Mog. I think it would be a great idea to make this film. – Suan

For this idea I wanted to include narration so I could agree that it is like those old shows like Meg and Mog, however, it would be more in depth and more serious. I enjoyed reading Suan’s feedback, I think this idea would be good to do.

3. I think that it sounds complex. But if you can pull it off then I think that you should go for it. – David

David’s feedback is short but I agree that the outcome would be if I decide to do it and that it is complex, however, if I ask the right questions and research the right information I think that I could achieve a good outcome, I like the vote of confident from him as well.

Fifth Idea

1. I think that it is really good, I like how you have two themes in one project it makes it more engaged and interesting to find out the result. I would defiantly watch this when it is completed.  – Clara

This feedback from is positive and I glad that she thinks that this idea would be engaging and interesting. I really like this idea so I would hope that the concept isn’t boring. Also, I like noticed that I decided to include the two themes rather than do one theme, I know it will be hard but I’m up for the challenge.

2. I think that it is really good, however, it sounds like a big project. On the other hand, I think if done right it will come out great. – Jacob

Jacob’s feedback is quite positive the only negative is that he thinks that it is a big project to do. I sort of agree with Jacob’s feedback on this idea being a big project, however, I believe that if I focus all my time on it then it is achievable. I think I’m almost set on which idea to choose for my final major project.

3.  I think it sounds like a great film to do and with a little twist, it will probably make people it even more interested. – Jade

I enjoy reading positive feedback and I think her has reassured of this idea because I wasn’t sure if it would resonate with people but it has. I think that the twist I have for this film may shock the audience that is why I’m thinking of this idea more than the others. I think that it would benefit my project.

4. I think it is good however, it’s a bit predictable because it’s what happens in most romantic comedy films. – Maria

Maria’s feedback is positive and negative. I like Maria’s feedback because she says that my idea is a bit predictable, however, when I develop my story further then I think that I opinion towards my idea will change. I like a challenge and I think I know what idea I am going for.

Overall Conclusion

Ultimately, I have decided what idea I am going to choose, it was a hard decision between the first idea, the third idea and the fifth idea. but, I have decided to go for the fifth idea that I have come up with. All of the feedback was useful to me because it helped me think about what idea would be the best idea to do and even though they were negatives I feel that I could learn from them and apply and correct them in my project. I think that the ideas that I didn’t use could be good for me in the future, they did get positive feedback so could use them after the unit is done.