What is Amnesia

What is Amnesia?

(n.d.). Retrieved March, 2015, from http://dictionary.reference.com/

Loss of a large block of interrelated memories; complete or partial loss of memory caused by brain injury, shock, etc.

This definition is from the Oxford Dictionary, which is a reliable source that many people go to, finding definition of words. This means that I agree with the meaning as well as knowing a little bit about Amnesia already.

Memory loss (amnesia) . (n.d.). Retrieved March, 2015, from http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/memory-loss/Pages/Introduction.aspx

Memory loss, also called amnesia, happens when a person loses the ability to remember information and events they would normally be able to recall.

I agree with the statement because during the past few years I have watched different movies that portray this description of amnesia such as The Vow, 50 first Dates etc.

Cardwell, M. (2000). The complete A-Z psychology handbook (2nd ed.). London: Hodder & Stoughton.

A memory loss due either to brain damage or psychological trauma.

I agree with this definition because as I looking up definitions of Amnesia I have come across different websites that inform me about the different types of amnesia etc.

(n.d.). Retrieved March, 2015, from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/9673.php

In simple terms, Amnesia is the loss of memory. The causes of Amnesia may be organic or functional. Organic includes brain damage through injury or use of certain drugs usually sedative (drugs that made you relaxed). Functional causes are psychological factors, these people are not able to recollect the past as well as the future because our ability to recollect events is a very complex process. Furthermore, amnesia maybe one of the symptom of age related brain disease such as Alzheimers disease or dementia. When people lose the ability to recall data they have Amnesia. being a little forgetful is different to having amnesia.


I think look up the different definitions of the word Amnesia is very insightful and interesting because the research clarifies and gives me more information about my theme and gives me more of an understanding. In addition, it broadens my knowledge on how I am going to do my final major project.

The Different Types Of Amnesia

Amnesia – Memory Disorders – The Human Memory. (n.d.). Retrieved March, 2015, from http://www.human-memory.net/disorders_amnesia.html

The Types of Amnesia

Anterograde Amnesia

When a person does not have the ability to remember new activities (transferring new data from the left side of the brain that stores short term memories to the right side that stores long term memories). If they were in an accident they would be able to remember before the accident but not after.

Retrograde Amnesia

When a person has the ability to remember current activities but has forgotten some or complete interactions that were done in the past, for example, if someone went bowling for their birthday, it would not be recollected. People who develop this type of Amnesia are involved in a car accidents.

How this research has helped me

This research has helped me develop my idea more because I was not on the different types of Amnesia of amnesia there were. I knew there was long term and short term however, I didn’t know the official names for them etc.

The Complication Of Having Amnesia

(n.d.). Retrieved March, 2015, from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/9673.php

The amount of compilation depends on the severity of Amnesia, even people with mild symptoms of amnesia will find it difficult to deal with activities during day to day life. In some cases, some individuals never recover lost memories.

Curing Amnesia

NHS Techniques

Memory loss (amnesia) . (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/memory-loss/Pages/Introduction.aspx

  • Keep everyday items, such as car keys, in the same place and try to do things in the same order each time.
  • Write information down, and keep paper and a pencil near the phone.
  • Keep a diary at home as well as at work to remind you to do daily tasks.
  • Use an alarm to help you remember to do something in the future, such as taking something out of the oven.
  • Repeat important information you need to remember back to someone.

(n.d.). Retrieved March, 2015, from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/9673.php

In some the amnesia can sort itself out without any treatment, however, if there’s a medical such as mental disorder then should be treated if possible. Physiotherapy, hypnosis is a way that people can recall memories. Also, having family support is best as the patient is surrounded by familiar faces.


Facebook logo. (n.d.). Retrieved April, 2015, from http://www.facebook.com

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This response shown above is from a 17 year old male named Reme. I think this response will benefit me because it gives ideas on how my main character could be cured of their amnesia.

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This response shown above is from a 16 year old male called Michael. I think this responses will help me because it evokes different thoughts and ideas that I may use for my final product.

photo 1

This response is from a 17 year old male named Kevin. I don’t think response will benefit me, however, it is because any response is better than no response at all, plus it makes me think about how I can show people who don’t know about Amnesia, what is it about, helping them gain new information by watching my final product.

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