Green Screen setup

How to use the green screen

You move the lights 16 if the centre of light is too much or too little, positioning the lights differently may help the green screen shot, because the back ground will become sharper. They can be moved u, down, left or right.


The Green Screen fabric


The green screen fabric is used to create the effect, you have to always make sure that fabric is straight and attached to the floor are straps.



The lighting in the centre (middle) is used to light the subject showing their face and the front of them, shown in the image above. You don not touch or adjust that light.

The lighting shown in the picture above, is used to get rid of any shadows caused by the subject’s head or back that appear.

The lighting and arrow shown above tells you that the light is used to …………

The side lights are to stop shadows forming at the feet, if these light aren’t set properly it will affect the green screen effect. You can move these side lights if needed.

Camera Positioning

Make sure the camera is positioned in the centre, and is level because filming on the green screen, because that affects the green screen setup. However, if you really wanted to film from the side then you could. Centre is best though.

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